Christmas Party

Event date:
Saturday, December 1, 2018 - 6:00pm to Sunday, December 2, 2018 - 5:30pm
Saturday, December 1, 2018, 6pm (Doors open 5pm)
Norco Lions Club
Dinner Items Needed for the potluck:
- YOUR favorite holiday casserole
- mashed potatoes & gravy
- stuffing
- sweet potatoes
- cole slaw
- deserts
- vegetables
- green salad
- fruit salad
- dinner rolls & butter
- cranberry sauce
- deviled eggs
- relish tray
WEPC will supply the turkey and ham.
Please bring your own plates, eating utensils and beverage.
Please bring a wrapped gift valued at $20 if you want to participate in the gift exchange. Bring a gift, get a gift. Participation is voluntary.