June Events Cancelled

We are cancelling the June general meeting, board meeting, and outing to Buckshot due to the pandemic and concern for group gatherings.  However, the claims remain open and many members are still finding gold while using social distancing methods.  The June elections have also been postponed until a later date.  We will announce the new election date when it is feasible.  The July general meeting in Big Bear is still scheduled, but we will have to wait and see if this can go on.  Thanks for your patience!

May Outing Cancelled

We will be cancelling the May outing for the club during Memorial Weekend at Yellow Gopher in Coolgardie.  However, it looks like there will still be some club members on the claim that weekend mining in a social-distancing fashion.  Mining is considered an essential function for our nation and we are all small miners.  Stay safe out there!

Another Ploy to Remove Access to Mining Claims

Here is some information from Jim Wharff of First Class miners, concerning adding Jushua Trees to Threatened Species Listings. Included is a sample petition letter.

Good afternoon members,

Below is an email sent out by San Bernardino County Supervisor Dawn Rowe.  This has to do with the Center for Biological Diversity wanting the California Fish & Game Commission to list the Joshua Tree as a threatened species.  First of all, anything having to do with the Center for Biological Diversity is not or cannot be good for mining, professional, recreational, small scale or whatever.  Nor good off roading, hunting, etc..  As for us it will another way to shut off the Rattlesnake area claims.  Take my word for it if the Joshua Tree gains protection under the California Endangered Species Act we will lose the Rattlesnake claims.  How?  By closing the roads, it has been done before.  If you give a damn write your letter and it can be sent by email (address shown below) or snail mail (address is in the attached sample letter).  First read everything, use the sample letter as a guide, turn it into your own words.  Members outside the county and write also.  Do it today.



“I am writing to make sure you are all aware that the Center for Biological Diversity has submitted a proposal

 proposal to list the western Joshua tree as a threatened species is under consideration by the California Fish and Game Commission. If this proposal is approved, the Joshua tree would be protected under the California Endangered Species Act, a move that would effectively halt the development of private property within large swaths of the California desert and bring the state government into the backyards of desert residents uninvited.  

April 7th General Meeting Cancelled!

Due to the COVID 19 recommendations, we are cancelling the April 7th general meeting.  However, we have nearly 900 acres of claims that are virus-free and wide open.  If you feel trapped with all of the current recommendations, perhaps digging for gold will be a way to stay busy.  Just keep safe distances from others and have some fun.  The outing at Randsburg for April is also officially cancelled, but it is a big claim, so perhaps people will still mine that or any other weekend.  Wash your hands and stay healthy!

Kevin Regli, President WEPC

Christmas Party

Event date: 
Saturday, December 7, 2019 - 6:00pm to Sunday, December 8, 2019 - 5:30pm
will be held at the Norco Lions Club on Saturday, December 7, 2019 at 6 PM.
Dinner items needed for the potluck:  YOUR favorite Christmas casserole, mashed potatoes & gravy, stuffing, sweet potatoes, Cole slaw, desserts, vegetables, green salad, fruit salad,
dinner rolls & butter, cranberry sauce,deviled eggs, relish tray, etc.  
WEPC will supply the turkey and ham.
Please bring your own plates, eating utensils and beverage. 
Please bring a wrapped gift valued at $20.00 if you want to participate in the GIFT EXCHANGE.  Participation is voluntary.
Give a gift, get a gift.
There will be no regular raffle or Finds of the Month, however, there will be a special gold nugget awarded.  Be sure to wear your WEPC badge.


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