Member in need

Unfortunately, there is some bad news to report.  One of our long-time members, Irma Estrada (wife of John) has been dealing with a very serious health condition.  Here is a link to a Go-Fund-Me page if anyone wants to learn more and help out.



Event date: 
Saturday, December 4, 2021 - 6:00pm
Saturday, December 4, 2021, 6 PM to 9 PM
Doors open by 5 PM
Corona City Hall, 815 West 6th Street, Corona
DINNER ITEMS NEEDED for the potluck:  YOUR FAVORITE holiday casserole, mashed potatoes & gravy, stuffing, sweet potatoes, cole slaw, vegetables, green salad, fruit salad, dinner rolls & butter, cranberry sauce, deviled eggs, relish tray, dessert, etc.  WEPC will supply the turkey and ham.
Please bring your own plates, eating utensils and beverage.
If you want to participate in the gift exchange, bring a wrapped gift valued at $20.00.
Participation is voluntary,  Bring a gift, get a gift.
Be sure to wear your WEPC member badge.

October General Meeting!

We are finally having a general meeting!  It is at 730 PM on Tuesday, October 5th.  We have a new location at the Circle City Center in Corona.  It is found by taking the north Main Street Exit from the 91 Freeway.  Doors open at 7 PM.  We are in meeting room B on the 2nd floor.  They have an elevator and plenty of parking.  We will have drawings, finds of the month, and start nominations for new officers.  Refreshments will be served! 

Address:  365 North Main Street, Corona CA 

Urgent Message September Outing Cancelled!

URGENT MESSAGE/BREAKING NEWS:  The state has just announced that they are closing ALL of the California National Forests as of Tuesday 8/31. 
It appears this will be in place until 9/17, but may last longer depending on the fire situation.  This affects many of our claims.  For a more practical matter, this means our Outing/General Meeting scheduled for Saturday, 9/4, to held at the Buckshot Claim in the Holcomb Valley/Big Bear area is cancelled.  You may recall they closed Big Bear last year at this time.  I am worried this may become a yearly tradition.  
We are working to secure a site for general meetings and really hope to have a general meeting in October.  Watch for emails and the website in the future as we get more information.  The deserts are still open and hopefully will be cooling off soon to allow prospecting at those claims.
Thanks for your patience!
Kevin Regli, President West End Prospectors

No dues for 2021-2022!

At our recent board meeting, we voted to waive the $50 dues for the period of 7/1/21 through 6/30/22.  This will apply to current members.  If you have already paid ahead, that money will be applied to the next fiscal year.  This will be a one-time event due to the COVID situation affecting so many members.  

November activities cancelled

This sounds like a broken record, but the November general meeting and outing are cancelled.  Likely December will also be cancelled, but keep checking back.  It is still a great time to dig and nuggets are being found on the claims just this very week!


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