Some National Forests are Closed

VALLEJO, Calif., September 7, 2020—Most of California remains under the threat of unprecedented and dangerous fire conditions with a combination of extreme heat, significant wind events, dry conditions, and firefighting resources that are stretched to the limit. Due to these conditions, the USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region is announcing the following temporary closures and fire restrictions to provide for public safety and reduce the potential for human caused fire starts. They will go into effect at 5:00 pm Pacific Standard Time on Monday, September 7, 2020, and will be re-evaluated daily as conditions change.

  1. Closure of the following National Forests: Stanislaus National Forest, Sierra National Forest, Sequoia National Forest, Inyo National Forest, Los Padres National Forest, Angeles National Forest, San Bernardino National Forest, and Cleveland National Forest.
  2. Prohibition of the use of any ignition source on all National Forest System lands (campfires, gas stoves, etc.) throughout California.
  3. Closure of all developed campgrounds and day-use sites on National Forests in California.

“The wildfire situation throughout California is dangerous and must be taken seriously. Existing fires are displaying extreme fire behavior, new fire starts are likely, weather conditions are worsening, and we simply do not have enough resources to fully fight and contain every fire,” said Randy Moore, Regional Forester for the USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region. “We are bringing every resource to bear nationally and internationally to fight these fires, but until conditions improve, and we are confident that National Forest visitors can recreate safely, the priority is always to protect the public and our firefighters. With these extreme conditions, these temporary actions will help us do both.”

September General Meeting at Big Bear Cancelled

Unfortunately, our traditional members' appreciation outing/general meeting at Buckshot in September is cancelled due to the pandemic.  However, I am sure there will still be members on our Big Bear claims searching for gold that weekend.  Perhaps I will see some of you digging for gold out there with social distancing.  You can still camp there, but absolutely no campfires in Big Bear due to the extreme fire hazards.  

San Bernardino Fire Restrictions (no stoves, no engines)

Current Fire RestrictionsFire restrictions and guidelines effective Friday, May 29, 2020, on the San Bernardino National Forest are as follows:

1. Building, maintaining, attending or using a fire, campfire or stove fire, except in a Forest Service provided campfire ring or BBQ within a Developed Recreation Site. 36 CFR 261.52(a).

2. Smoking, except within an enclosed vehicle or building, or while stopped in an area at least three feet in diameter that is barren or cleared of all flammable material.
36 CFR 261.52(d).

3. Operating an internal combustion engine off paved, gravel or dirt National Forest System roads and trails, except boats on a water surface. 36 CFR 261.52(h).

4. Welding, or operating acetylene or other torch with open flame. 36 CFR 26 1 .52(i).

July Meeting at Big Bear cancelled

We are going to cancel the outing and general meeting at the Buckshot claim on the July 4th weekend.  However, the claims are still open and mining continues despite any viruses with social distancing.  We are hoping for the Labor Day meeting in September to be possible at this point.  We are also considering an outdoor meeting at the Lion's Club in August, so stay tuned.  We have also changed the date for dues due to COVID.  Dues of $50 are now due for this year only on 8/31/20 or sooner.  There are higher rates if paid later and if not paid by 11/15/20, membership will lapse.  Please see the form on this site under the membership tab.  Thanks!


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