PLP Newsletter - November 2022

EST. 1990

A 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Corporation
PLP exists to "Represent and assist outdoor user groups and individuals interested in keeping public and private lands open to prospecting, mining and outdoor recreation through education, scientific data and legal means."


Public Lands for the People’s (PLP) 2022 Fallfest was bigger and better than ever! We had a fantastic group of folks that attended, and at least a couple dozen volunteers who are really the ones who made everything run so smooth! 

Where to start? We had many educational seminars on various topics 5 days in a row, including metal detecting class by several experts, drilling and blasting by John Norman, winning legal mining rights battles the PLP way by Clark Pearson (we have many wins in court which back up our guide cards), capturing fine gold from concentrates by Mike Pung (Mr. Gold Cube!), legal requirements for getting your blasting license and more. 

There was a very well attended Mining District and Owl Museum tour- wow, the history of the area is fantastic! Dan and Arlene Stanton were our tour guides and they know their stuff! You can book your own tour with them: 

April Meeting

Event date: 
Tuesday, April 5, 2022 - 7:30pm


WEPC will have a General Meeting (tomorrow), Tuesday 4/5/22, 7:30 PM at our new location at 365 North Main Street at the Circle City Center in Corona. Doors open at 7:00 PM.  We are in meeting room B on the 2nd floor.  They have an elevator and plenty of parking.  We will have drawings, finds of the month and Refreshments will be served.  Please wear your member badge. 
Looking forward to seeing those who can attend. 
Pat Ashe, WEPC

Doris Holden

Doris Holden

 I am saddened to report that we have recently lost one of our members, Doris Holden passed away on the evening of March 14, 2022.  Doris and her husband Chuck joined the club in January 2004 and have been very active members at club meetings, outings as well as serving on the WEPC Board of Director.  A service will be held for Doris in April 1, 2022 at 11:00am at Magnolia Church, 8351 Magnolia Avenue, Riverside CA 92504. Please keep Chuck and family in your prayers.



March General Meeting

Event date: 
Tuesday, March 1, 2022 - 7:30pm

We are happy to say that we are having a general meeting at 7:30 PM on Tuesday, March 1st at our new location  at 365 North Main Street at the Circle City Center in Corona. Doors open at 7:00 PM.  

It is found by taking the north Main Street Exit from the 91 Freeway.  We are in meeting room B on the 2nd floor.  They have an elevator and plenty of parking.  We will have drawings, finds of the month and refreshments will be served. 

Looking forward to seeing those who can attend. 

Marshall Holman 

WEPC President


Hello Everyone, 

I hope this message finds you keeping well.  Just a quick message to say hello and to make this announcement.  Due to the current level of Omicron variant of COVID-19 infections still very high, we will cancel our February 1, 2022 General Meeting.  I’m hoping there will be significant reduction in the level of infections in our region that will allow us to consider a meeting in March 2022 for a General meeting.  Our new Board of Director’s had voted to cancel January 18, 2022 meeting as well however, are preparing to meet in remote audio/video setting very soon to conduct business. 

If you have not been to WEPC’s website recently, please visit the home page which has most recent news and important information posted.  As you scroll through, you can retrieve/download claim maps if you have not already.  Be sure to come across links to aerial footage of our claims posted by Member Lyle Majeska for a view of our claims not typically seen.

I’ll look forward to seeing you at meeting once we are able to resume or we might cross paths at one of our claims by good luck.  Until then,  keep healthy and go searching for gold!

Marshall Holman


West End Prospectors

Irma Estrada

I am sorry to report that we have recently lost of of our members, Irma Estrada.  She and her husband, John, joined the club in 2014 and have been very active members in the past.  The extended Estrada family has been part of WEPC for nearly two decades.  Please keep John and his family in your prayers.

Happy New Year!

Greetings, WEPC members,

Happy New Year!  I sure hope 2022 is better than 2021 for everyone.  I know I did not find much gold this year, but I did have a lot of fun trying.  We have a lot to cover in this message.  The first important item is that we have decided to cancel the 1/4/22 General Meeting.  COVID Omicron is spreading at an enormous rate and is so much more contagious than Delta (which was much more contagious than the original COVID).  I think it is best to pass on a meeting this month until things settle down.  

The club has signed up for a booth at the gold show in Pomona in 6 weeks.  However, we shall see if this is cancelled or if the club decides to sit this one out.  We will know more in a few weeks.

Some other big news is our new club officers.  We had many people end up serving almost 3 years of a one-year term due to COVID.  I am turning over the reins to our new President, Marshall Holman.  Many of you know him well and the club is in good hands.  He has served as president in the past and helped me enormously in the last almost 4 years I have been serving.  Our new Vice President is Ben Wilbur.  Secretary will be me (Kevin Regli).  Treasurer will be Julia Wilbur.  Board members will be Bob Ashe, Pat Ashe, Dmitri Maslov, Zoe Regli, Sharon Dahl, Fred Dahl, Alex Rocco, and Lyle Majeska.  We have some new faces and it will be nice to get some new ideas.  I want to thank Nikki Brady, Bill Brady, and Doris Holden who are retiring from the board for all the hard work they have done for the club.

This is my last message as president as the new board members will serve 18 months starting 1/1/22.  Remember we have 9 great claims and I have been seeing many nuggets found in the past 6 weeks at our various desert claims.  Even I finally found a little one at Randsburg after years of finding flakes and pickers there.  Keep looking for gold!

Kevin Regli, President West End Prospectors


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