October newsletter
Submitted by aaron on
Submitted by aaron on
A massive gold nugget worth at least $110,000 has been uncovered by a prospector in remote Western Australia.
A retired man has found a massive gold nugget worth at least $110,000 while prospecting in a remote part of WA's northern Goldfields.
The retired man, who doesn't wish to be named to protect his identity, says he's been combing the same patch in the northern Goldfields with a metal detector for years, but struck it lucky with better technology.
"When I had finished digging it out, I just thought 'Oh my god'," he said of the find, a 3.23kg specimen containing 68 troy ounces or 2.11kg of gold.
"It was pretty deep at about 800mm in clay soil so it took more than two hours of careful digging to get it out."
Submitted by aaron on
Submitted by aaron on
by Ruby Miner
Anyone who has any ACTIVE lode claims, placer claims, mill sites or tunnel sites on file with the BLM who wants to keep those claims after August 31, 2018.
You may be required to file and/or record one or more of these documents.
Small Miners Waiver
Annual Maintenance Fee
Affidavit of Assessment Work
Intention to Hold
Small Miners
If you and ALL related parties control 10 or fewer mining claims, you may file a Small Miners Waiver and waive the 2019 Annual Maintenance Fee. This must be done on or before August 31, 2018.
If you filed a Small Miners Waiver in 2017, you must also record an Affidavit of Assessment Work into the County Recorder's office in the county where the claim is located AND file a copy with the BLM on or before December 30, 2018
If you have Mill Sites and/or Tunnel Sites they do not require assessment work. You will need to record an Intention to Hold with the appropriate County Recorder AND file a copy with the BLM on or before December 30, 2018.
Other Miners
All other claim holders must pay an Annual Maintenance Fee with the BLM of $155 for each Lode Claim, Mill Site and Tunnel Site. For each Placer Claim you must pay $155 for each 20 acres and portion thereof. For example; a placer claim that is the size of a standard lode claim (600 ft x 1500 ft) is 20.66 acres and will require a payment of $310.
Submitted by aaron on
Submitted by aaron on
Below you will find the ballot for the upcoming board elections. Please return your completed ballot by June 15th, 2018.
You are invited to the 4th annual AMRA Fundraising Dinner.
June 2nd, 5:00PM.
Tickets include dinner, drinks and 20 raffle tickets.
Submitted by Pat Ashe on
WEPC General Meeting Tuesday 5-1-18 at 7:30 PM, at the Norco Lions Club. Don't forget your Member Badge. WEPC will be accepting more nominations for Officers and Board of Directors members at the meeting. To qualify for these positions, you must be a member in good standing for at least one year.