Renew membership

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Vic62 Vic62's picture
Renew membership

Hi new member from gold show. With all this pandemic it slipped my mind. what Do I need to do. 
member# 287 thanks. 

renew membership. I am member #44

I don't know anything about the next box. I just want to renew.

Speck Speck's picture
Hello everyone!

I’m new to the site, and am interested in being the newest member to the group.. where can I find information about joining officially? Thank you for any guidance that you could provide! 


Jesse Speck.


Hello Jesse, thank you for reaching out. To find membership information, go to and hover you curser over the "About WEPC" and you should find Membership application, bylaws and the like. 

Feel free to reach back is you have any problems.

Thank you again for reaching out.


Marshall Holman 


BigBen BigBen's picture
How to Renew

Hello Members,

Renewing is straightforward. Please follow these steps.

  1. Download and print the Member Renewal Form.

  2. Make a check or get a moneyorder for $50 payable to WEPC.

  3. Send both to WEPC, PO Box 87, Norco, CA 92860

Thank you. Look forward to seeing you all out on our claims.

Benjamin Wilbur, Club VP


I have been trying to renew my membership since June.
I Have sent 2 checks that I brought direct to the Norco post office.
I have also tried to contact membership and other board members to help me out
none of the checks have been cashed yet.
I can not make the meetings because of work
Rick Bartholomew
Member #278

BigBen BigBen's picture
My Apologies

Hello Rick,

Thank you for your continued support and reaching out to us. I am not sure what is going on with the 2 checks. As of today 9/9 in our database you have not yet renewed for this new member year, so the checks and your mail have not reached us at WEPC somehow.

However, I will forward your message to our Membership Director, Zoe. She would be to one who receives that mail and processes your payment. She should be reaching out to you soon.


Benjamin Wilbur

Club Secretary

jojo jojo's picture
I have a Membership question.

I mailed in my new membership application with a check 2 weeks ago. I have not received any confirmation or an email back. Don't know who to contact about membership so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks